What Are Bioidentical Hormones?

Hormones are chemicals that are made by your endocrine glands. The glands release hormones into your bloodstream to be carried to the appropriate body part. Hormones control quite a few functions in your body such as: 






It’s difficult for you to function properly when your hormones are out of balance. A hormone imbalance can cause weight gain or mood swings that affect your day-to-day life. Taking hormones can help people whose bodies don’t make enough of a certain hormone, or whose hormone levels are unbalanced. 

Endless Beauty and Wellness - Bio Identical HRT
Endless Beauty and Wellness - Bio Identical HRT
Endless Beauty and Wellness - Bio Identical HRT

Why are bioidentical hormones used?

The levels of certain hormones in your body go down with age. These hormones include estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. Some common effects of low hormones include:











Replacing these lost or low hormones is the goal of bioidentical hormone therapy or conventional hormone therapy. Once hormone levels are increased, most people see their symptoms improve. However, there is not much evidence to support that bioidentical hormones are equal to conventional hormone therapy.

3 easy step

How It works?

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